Tag Archives: house

Moving out into new room – Tips for finding rooms

If you are going to study Master at Brunel this year, by this time next year you’ll be moving out of campus like me (if you stay on campus).

Phew, I finished moving at last on Sat morning and I’m in my new room now. It was sad to say goodbye to my room on campus as I was with it for nearly 1 year. One of my flatmate texted me yesterday saying that he missed his room on campus just a few hours after moving out…

Here is my new room. Not as big as the old one, but I’ll try to manage and get familiar with it from now:

My new room is small compared to my room on campus. Anyway, it is my new home now.

My room – another angle

All in all, the room is good and the price is reasonable.  It’s just because of me who isn’t get used to it yet. Guess I’ll miss my current room if I am to move back to Vietnam later. But just hope I can find a job here and stay in this room, continue my travelling, and experience new things. What makes me want to stay here is that I feel there are still a lot of things I can learn here. Feel like my learning won’t finish with the MA course: culture and life is for life-learning, I guess. Though no one can say he/she learns enough from life, it still worths trying to learn new things day by day.

Tips for next year students or someone who is looking for house/room now. The area near Hillingdon Hospital has lots of good room if you are able to sign the 6-month or 1-year-contract. Near Uxbridge, there are lots of house for students as well. I mention these 2 areas because it’s near to Brunel. So don’t panic if you haven’t found a place to stay yet. The price will be ranging from 340-450pounds for a single room per month. There still lower price room for those on tight budget, around 65-80 pounds per week. But it depends on the quality and how much you want from your room. Just have a look at  http://www.gumtree.com/ or http://www.spareroom.co.uk/ and start your search right now. Good luck for the house-finding race. Because the sooner you start, the luckier you are to find a good room at reasonable price available.

For those who aim to stay on campus, here is my old room (en-suite in Isambard Complex):

Campus accommodation

I like it, bright, spacious and convenient. It’s near university and the library so you can stay all night at the library and go back to your room when you finish your assignment and don’t have to worry about the last bus/train. Or you can contact The Brunel housing office as they have contact list of landlord nearby the university and you can start from there.

One of my undergrad friend is now staying at a shared house just opposite the Pond. It’s sooooo convenient to stay there if you need the library frequently. Well, yes, I’m jealous with him right now 😀

Need to get back to work. Good luck to your new term and your room-searching!!!

See you in the next entry!